Date(s) - 2021.05.1
Egész napos
Tianjin University
Due to the unpredictable safety conditions and travel restrictions under Covid-19, the Conference Organizing Committee decided to post-pone the 3rd ISMC Conference – Advances in Modeling Soil Systems to May 2021.
The Conference will be hosted by Tianjin University, China. Tianjin City can be reached easily in 30 minutes by bullet train from Beijing. Info about Tianjin City can be found here.
The Covid-19 spread throughout many countries is developing rapidly. Assuming a safe situation by end of spring, we count on the meeting in September and keep monitoring the situation constantly. Stay safe, keep calm, focus on science, plan for the best. For more information see ISMC Covid-19 information update.
The conference programme: addresses recent research in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum centered around soils over all spatial scales, time scales, and elements – from processes to prediction.
Awards: Rien van Genuchten Award and ISMC Early Career Award.
Grants: Session Specific Early Career Conference.
The draft Scientific Programme is located here.
The call for abstracts is open.
Info on Keynote speakers will be available soon.