3rd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference

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Date(s) - 2019.03.24 - 2019.03.26
Egész napos

Novotel Budapest City Hotel


3rd Agriculture and Climate Change konferencia Budapesten

Időpont: 2019. március 24-26.

Helyszín: Novotel Budapest City Hotel, Budapest

A konferencia várható főbb témái:

  • Modelling climate change and its application to agriculture
  • Climate change and increased agricultural uncertainty
  • Abiotic stress
  • Effects of CO2 on plant growth
  • Food security in developing countries
  • Impacts of climate change on nutrition, quality and resource use efficiency
  • Improving the efficiency of the food chain
  • Plant-microbe interactions and climate change
  • Reducing the impact of agriculture on climate change
  • Innovative breeding practices
  • New crops for a new climate

Jelentkezési határidő: 2018. október 22.

További információk: https://www.elsevier.com/events/conferences/agriculture-and-climate-change-conference