We are pleased to welcome to Mexico for the VI International Soil Classification Congress (March 25 to April 8, 2022). This congress is part of the events organized by Commission 1.4 of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and is composed of a five-day field workshop beginning in Cuatro Ciénegas and ending with a three-day conference in Querétaro.
Our main objective is to provide a forum to continue the works and discussions from previous meetings about soil classification systems as a medium to communicate soil functions and management. The particular aim is to present options for conserving and improving soils in areas with subhumid, semiarid, and arid climates. For that reasons we invite leading soil scientists, students and professionals interested in analyzing in depth the indicators, indexes, and models that will improve soil classification as a tool for soil conservation, global change
mitigation, and communication to stakeholders at multiple cartography scales.
¡We look forward to share with you soil classification in México!
Yours sincerely,